750 Extra Reasons - Tweet

in Freewriters2 months ago (edited)

Christmas, Valentine's Day, Women's Day, Eastern and soon Mother's Day...
How easily it's said we care and love but all I see is tunnel vision x judgment.


No way we can feel how someone else does and fear is never experienced in the same way. It saddens me how we see and treat each other and today even more that I joined certain contests and spent over 18 hours reading and commenting.

I am totally fine if people do not share my opinion but I have a hard time understanding why in 2024 the way of thinking is still like back in 1400.

Many times on this platform contests were hosted about bullying, raising children, the importance of talking, being open, caring, sharing, the value of a warm embrace, family life and much more. But if it comes to it I can find nowhere the slightest bit of empathy (except in two entries).

Fear, being kicked out of the house by parents, having no dollar to spend, being homeless, being scolded by the community, treated like a pariah is no reason to want to kill yourself or for an abortion?
Are you kidding me? Should a child be born and grow up on the streets, be between people who will always see it as inferior, ignored by father, grandparents and an entire village while it tries to survive with a mentally unstable mother or one that hates it? Should a child seriously go through this while the average pet owner doesn't hesitate to let the pet be killed by the vet?

For sure all those against abortion can find 750 extra reasons why it is not done and indeed many more "excuses" were mentioned as those I did write down. Only two said: it's because talking about sex is still taboo.

If girls/women have to find a way to abort themselves only one thing comes to mind: there are other people/adults to blame! People force these girls to undergo such an extreme act.
If any of my daughters or friends would be (unexpectedly) pregnant I would talk to them and not one of them would be afraid to do so. I would support them and respect the choices they make. If a girl/woman is not up to this and lacks any support there is no free choice.

Not once did I read: boys/men are to blame.

We live in 2024 but a girl should carry all the responsibility of the result of what most likely was by far not the greatest sex. Why is a girl not allowed to say she's too young to carry all the responsibility but a 45-year-old man still can?

I read so many, identical opinions, based on ... What exactly, religion? I assume "all those" women with abortions are not on Steemit, "good" people only?
I hope if they are wise enough to keep their mouth shut before they are covered by a mountain of hate.

I admit I have a very hard time not wishing the short-sighted people the worst fear of their lives coming true. I won't because this is not about those with an opinion, people not able to discuss, but about those who suffer which are women and unwanted children. Broken souls, not accepted, homeless, be scolded and banned. Those who truly believe this does not affect a person's life still have a lot to learn. Most likely that will not happen because it's safer to stay in the comfort zone and keep the eyes closed.

If you seriously believe an abortion is an easy decision to take, women brag about it and take it lightly you are wrong, so wrong.
In my country abortion is legal but this doesn't mean women line up and can just walk in to get the job done. Appointments have to be made, and more than one talk with different specialists, if they can help you to find a way to survive with a baby they do that.

An opinion should be based on facts, not on personal emotions or what we think how it will be. Information, free consults and anti-conception are just like education and raising your children well (boys included!) with love and respect the first steps to prevent unnecessary, heartbreaking situations.

If a girl/woman has to make such a terrible decision, even put her life at stake, her parents and friends must be terrible people since the fear for them is bigger than the will to live on. Imagine how lonely and lost such a girl/woman must feel. Just like men women do have the right to decide what they want or not. It takes a lot of courage and self-reflection to admit 'I am not up to this, it will break me.'

If you are unwanted and pregnant, if there is no one to talk to please, ask for help and know you are not alone.


#comment on my post and entries to the contest "Tu Opinion Importa #7 - Abortion


I feel close to your reflections on a subject that is particularly dear to me. In France, progressive abortion legislation is a beacon of empathy that all of Europe should follow, instead of pursuing only economic union. Italy, with its new far-right government, risks overshadowing the beauty of 'il bel paese' with repressive laws. We must protect our values of peace and brotherhood, fighting for a community based on respect and solidarity.❤️

I am falling into deep thought reading your post, I was once trying to think what should I do If it happens to my daughters, will I choose to follow the community's common thought or fight for my daughter?

It once happened near my town (one was exposed), and the girl was forced by her mom to do so, but unfortunately it didn't work well and the girl bleeding and was finally hospitalized, causing the case to be exposed.

But, yes as you said, celebrating the "love day" but doing something likewise is not appropriate or perhaps celebrating the love day is only for following the trend?

Have a good reading

I have four daughter (not counting the foster children) all I want for them is to br happy. Whatever the choice would be I would respect it and support them and I know a chouce made will always affect them. There's no yes or no, good or bad, society doesn't care either do those keyboard heroes.

My stomach turns if I think about what those girls/women go through by doing it themselves. By the way there are plenty of abortion 'hospitals' doing it 'just so' without sedative and next kick the bleeding women outside.

If it's rape, forced I grab a bat and pay the guy a visit. I learned that police can't be trusted.


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